The common snowball has many names. Examples include the blackberry bush, the steamberry and the goatberry. The botanical species name is Viburnum opulus. It can reach heights of 2-5 meters and widths of 3-4 meters. Viburnum opulus is characterized by its spreading, upright and bushy growth.
Pollination and foliage
Viburnum opulus is monoecious. There is both cross-pollination and animal pollination. The leaves are characterized by a simple leaf structure and a lobed leaf margin, in addition to an opposing leaf arrangement. The white flowers of the gooseberry bloom in May and June. The steam berry is a deciduous shrub. The toxic fruits, however, should not be tasted.
Soil condition
Viburnum opulus doesn't really like acidic soils. Damp and wet soils with an existing depth correspond more to the preferences of the common snowball. An alkaline to neutral pH value is also a pleasure for Virbunum opulus. With a calcareous soil, you are certainly well advised to use the steam berry.
The common snowball can be found in Europe and North Africa. But also on the Asian continent you will undoubtedly come across the steamberry. Viburnum opulus is now a native species.
Viburnum opulus is well suited as a bird feeder. It is therefore suitable for the qualitative upgrading of forest ecosystems with a suitable soil structure. In addition to being used as a free-growing hedge, Viburnum opulus undoubtedly lives up to its reputation as a pioneer tree. Otherwise, at the end of the text, we would like to point out a possible use of the steam berry as a flower hedge.